Call Admission Control and UCMA
Posted: October 23rd, 2013 | Author: Michael | Filed under: UCMA 4.0 | Tags: bandwidth policy, CAC, call admission control, UCMA, voice policy | No Comments »Just as dial plans, voice policies, conferencing policies, and so forth apply to trusted application endpoints, calls placed by UCMA applications can be affected by call admission control (CAC). This can produce seemingly inexplicable call failures when call admission control is enabled, and the problem is exacerbated by the fact that CAC only makes sense in larger, distributed Lync environments, and therefore is almost never turned on in development or testing environments. Issues with CAC are therefore much more likely to arise in production, and cause a great deal of vexation and hair-pulling. This post explains how to build your UCMA applications to avoid or at least identify failures related to CAC so that they will be less mysterious if they come up in a new environment. Continue reading “Call Admission Control and UCMA” »