Call forwarding, UCMA, and “derived conversations”
Posted: January 25th, 2012 | Author: Michael | Filed under: UCMA 3.0 | Tags: Conversation, forwarding, multi-modality, multimodal, PSTN | 2 Comments »If you have a UCMA application that communicates with users via both IM and audio in the same conversation, you may one day be caught off guard by the following exception:
Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.OperationFailureException: Application must register for ConversationChanged event when a call is moved to a derived conversation.
Specifically, this exception occurs if you try to add audio to a conversation that currently only has instant messaging and/or application sharing, and the remote party redirects the audio call to a PSTN phone; maybe because they don’t have headphones plugged in, or because they are on a wireless network which has been causing poor audio quality, or even because they are logged in on a client that doesn’t support audio. Continue reading “Call forwarding, UCMA, and “derived conversations”” »